Monday, April 29, 2013

How To Make A Potato Doughnut

Do you know a doughnut? It is a kind of bread that there is a little hole in the middle. However, there are many shapes of doughnut itself. Over here, I am not going to tell about the shape of doughnut, but I am going to tell you what you need to know how to make doughnut. It is very easy and cheap.

Tips Merawat Baterai Laptop

  • Well, buat para pengguna PC nih ya, khususnya yang pake laptop atau netbook, biasanya kan pada bete yah sama yang namanya lowbat. Nah ini nih, khususnya buat kita2 yang doyan banged pake nih gadget. Kita seringkali kesusahan kalow di tempat umum mau cari2 stopcontact buat nyolokin charger laptop. Heuheueheuheu, ya emang gitu sih. Masalah buat gue?
  • Well, gw punya sedikit tips menarik buat kalian semua tentang gimana cara merawat baterai laptop biar gag ngadat. (Mesin kaleeey). Ok. This is it.

A Crazy Experience

Well guys, I’d like to share my crazy experience this morning. I went to the campus on 9.00 o’clock a.m. I joined the class up to 10.30 o’clock. After having a grammar class, I collected a writing form in front of  my classroom. Suddenly, I saw a little demo in the lobby. It was about a demo the economic students to the faculty. They wanted bla bla bla bla bla….. (I didn’t know).

Hunting A Foreigner

Yesterday was 5 January 2012. It was still new year, right? I went to Malioboro Mall with Oka, Ghais, Fajar, Adib, Evita, and April to look for foreigner to be interviewed. After having ms. Indah’s class, we went to Malioboro Mall together. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a foreigner because it was still morning. So, we went to Prawirotaman to look for a foreigner.

A Letter For Ms. Indah Puspawati

Yogyakarta, 7 January 2012
For my beloved lecturer, Ms. Indah Puspawati.
Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarakatuh
How’s everything ms? I hope you are still pretty, fresh, and healthy. I say so many thanks for you. You have already given me new education and knowledge. Actually, I’m confused about what I am going to write down for you. Do yo know why? Because it reminds me when I was a child. I wrote down a letter for my idol in Jakarta. But now, letter is not common to be used by many people nowdays. They prefer texting message by mobile phone to writing a letter.

Lucunya si Jucha dan Bego'nya si Tyuzh

Well guys, tulisan ini gw buat gara2 tulisan sebelumnya ternyata belum gw save. Tuh akhirnya dengan penuh berat hati, gw nulis ulang lagi curcolan gw yang udah gag terlalu hot kaya yang tadi. (Kualat kaleeey sama si Jucha).

Being The Guide For My Uncle's Guest

Well, I’d like to tell my dilemma story. I have a lot of  homework and jobs here. I can’t figure it out. It’s so hard for me my self. In the campus, in my organization, in my hometown. Yeach, as like usual, I have a lot of  homework in my class. I have a big responsible in my organization. I have a new jobs as the guide in my hometown, Jepara. Yeach it’s just for the time being. I have to make a permission letter for my lecturers in my class. But I’m very confused so much how to make a formal letter. Actually my uncle’s company should make it for me in order to make me easy to get a permission. Huwft….. So dizzy, right?